Merry X-Mas?
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Merry X-Mas?

Uncover the fascinating history of "Xmas" dating back to 1021 AD, and why the use of 'X' isn't about removing Christ but a symbolic tradition. Explore the real threat to Christmas and find out why materialism and greed might be more concerning than the choice of words.

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My Friend is Suicidal, How do I help?
Admin Admin

My Friend is Suicidal, How do I help?

ts mental health month. Whether you know it or not, i’ve attempted Suicide twice in my life. I don’t wear it as a badge of honor, rather I wear it as a reminder of Grace.

I tried killing myself. Twice.

If it weren’t for blood and a hospital, the second one would have worked. (I’m sure a lot of people wish it did. Trust me, I tried to help you!)

Since then I’ve sought to bring awareness to it and practical steps for people who are connected to friends and family like me.

Today this blog addresses three things.

1-What are some ways people self harm
2-What are some warning signs
3-What are ways you as a friend and family member can help.

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Trends in Black Churches
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Trends in Black Churches

I took time to mark out a few trends I have noticed and think we must be mindful of over the course of the next 5-10 3-5 years. I read alot of blogs that pertain directly to trends and such but they always cover White churches, no matter the denominational traditions. When they cover Black/Brown churches it constantly as it relates to race or how we are a part of larger white churches. Allow me to dream a little for Black Churches.

They may not all come true, but, most will. I’m excited about the future of the church. Ready?

-The Sons of Issachar saw the, “Signs of the Times.” (1 Chron 12:32)
-Ezekiel looked for those who would, ‘Stand in the gap.” (Ezekiel 22:30)
-Jesus said we would do, ‘Greater works” (John 14:12)

Let’s Have Some Fun!

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